Friday, October 16, 2009

Raping Mother and Daughter for a Mistress Called Israel

Raping Mother and Daughter for a Mistress Called Israel

Israelis control America, Iraq Was Invaded to Secure Israel and Iraq pullout would hurt Israel reconfirm the power of Israel and vulnerability of USA confirmed by The USA Under Israeli Feet because of American Enemies.

U Tube: 935 Lies re Iraq and False Pretences should attract war crimes tribunal against Bush, Blair and Howard. Would you believe More Madness is part of our life!

Legal Sanction against Muslims and Christians

Legal Sanction against Muslims and Christians

The power of Aussie talkback and Have your say on talkback radio are a good starting point. Deliberately impotent NSW Anti-Discrimination Board allows Muslim and Christian Bashing in NSW. However, saying a word against Zio-Nazi war crimes and genocide are considered to be the cardinal sins here!

Nazi like Behavior of the Zionists is another example! Since I made this blog I have been facing sabotage from nice people!!

Faruque Ahmed’s Letter to ACMA is common sense approach. The ACMA Reply to Faruque Ahmed is a result of due process of law. Faruque Ahmed’s Letter to Radio 2UE a necessary beast! Radio 2UE Response to Faruque Ahmed is frustrating and a reflection of the media culture of Australia. Faruque Ahmed’s Communication with the ACMA will be a test case after the Cash for Comment Inquiry.